Resources Mentioned During Webinar
- AI Factsheets 360
The goal of the FactSheet project is to foster trust in AI by increasing transparency an increased understanding of how AI was created and deployed and enabling governance the ability to control how AI is created and deployed. Increased transparency provides information for AI consumers to better understand how the AI model a program component that is generated by learning patterns in training data to make predictions on new data, such as a loan application. or service an executable program, deployed behind an API, that allows it to respond to program requests from other programs or services was created. This allows a consumer of the model to determine if it is appropriate for their situation. AI Governance enables an enterprise to specify and enforce policies describing how an AI model or service should be constructed and deployed. This can prevent undesirable situations, such as a model training with unapproved datasets, models having biases, or models having unexpected performance variations.
- The Sanction of Authority: Promoting Public Trust in AI, pre-publication paper
Mayer, Roger C., James H. Davis, and F. David Schoorman. 1995. An Integrative Model of Organizational Trust. The Academy of Management Review 20, no. 3: 709-34. doi:10.2307/258792.
Human-AI Collaboration Trust Literature Review - Key Insights and Bibliography